Chaga and Blood Sugar
Chaga is a little mushroom from the far northern reaches of the globe that is taking the world by storm. Originally cultivated by native Alaskans and Siberians as a folk remedy for the common cold and other ailments, consumers the world over have become chaga devotees due to its wide variety of health benefits, from combating cancer to improving immune system response to aiding digestion and more. One question looms in the minds of many potential chaga consumers: what effect does chaga have on blood sugar?
The answer is that chaga is an effective tool for regulating blood sugar levels, making it a useful food to consume for diabetics and others who are having problems with their glucose levels. Read on to discover how chaga can help you get your blood sugar under control.
Chaga and Blood Sugar
Blood sugar refers to the amount of glucose contained within a person’s blood. Glucose is a type of sugar that is necessary for many bodily tissues to function properly, and the body normally regulates blood sugar levels in order to maintain homeostasis. Blood sugar levels tend to vary; they are lowest in the morning, when humans wake up, and rise slowly throughout the day as a person consumes food and drink. Blood sugar intake in tissues is regulated by insulin, a hormone secreted by the pancreas.
Consistently low or high blood sugar levels can cause long-term health problems. High blood sugar is known as hyperglycemia and if untreated can lead to diabetes, as the body’s tissues suffer damage from excess glucose and poor blood circulation. Low blood sugar is known as hypoglycemia and is associated with fatigue, irritability, impaired cognition, and a number of other side effects. The sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy diets of many modern people often lead to imbalanced blood sugar due to a lack of exercise and overconsumption of sugar.
Blood sugar conditions such as diabetes are a lifelong condition that is often treated with insulin consumption and can lead to loss of vision, hearing, and even the loss of limbs, as excess glucose chokes off the supply of nutrients to your cells and degrades blood vessels. Because of this, people who are at risk of diabetes or have hyperglycemic or hypoglycemic symptoms need to get their blood sugar under control sooner rather than later.
Chaga is a proven way of regulating your blood sugar levels. Chaga is loaded with nutrients that aid the body’s natural blood sugar regulation, raising your glucose levels if they are too low or lowering them if they are too high. In addition to this, chaga also has the ability to reduce insulin resistance in your body’s cells. This allows your body to more effectively make use of the insulin produced by your pancreas.
Scientific studies have shown that chaga can lower blood sugar levels in diabetics by as much as 31 percent. Additionally, testing on mice has shown that chaga lowers blood sugar levels and insulin resistance in mice that suffer from diabetes.
Another benefit of using chaga for those concerned with their blood sugar is its cholesterol-combating features. Chaga has been shown to reduce the amount of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, a positive benefit as it improves blood circulation and makes blockages less likely. Cholesterol blockages are a serious problem for diabetics and hyperglycemics, as they constrict blood flow, damage cells by preventing them from accessing nutrients, and can cause heart attacks or strokes.
Finally, chaga can also help those who are concerned about their blood sugar through its anti-inflammatory properties. While some inflammation is normal, as inflammation is a tool used by the body to combat infections, excessive inflammation caused by irregular blood sugar can lead to chronic pain, numbness, and even strokes and heart attacks. Chaga regulates immune system response, which lowers chronic inflammation.
Note that chaga may have adverse side effects when combined with medications designed to regulate blood sugar levels. Some diabetics have reported that they have been able to replace their medications by using chaga, but there is little in the way of hard studies in regards to the interactions between blood sugar medications and chaga. Because everyone’s body is different, you should consult a doctor before you use chaga if you are suffering from blood sugar problems.
Blood sugar levels are a major concern in the modern world. While human beings have traditionally engaged in more strenuous lifestyles and eaten a more balanced diet, the modern world of office work and computer technology leads many people to live sedentary lives, while modern diets are overloaded with sugar and other harmful substances. This means that having too much blood sugar (or too little) is a very real concern for many people.
With blood sugar-related diseases such as diabetes on the rise, you need to actively work to maintain your body’s ideal blood sugar levels. Chaga is an important tool in your fight for good health and a long life. The nutrients in chaga act as a natural blood sugar regulator, keeping you from becoming lethargic due to hypoglycemia or developing diabetes due to hyperglycemia. Combined with chaga’s other benefits, using it is a wise choice if you want to live life to the fullest.