Chaga and Cancer
Cancer – millions of people are diagnosed with this disease every year and hearing the diagnosis always comes as a shock. But what is cancer? And how does it develop? Cancer involves abnormal cell growth. Our body is constantly generating new cells, when one of these mutates, then its daughter cells change as well. In this manner, numerous cells are created that have changed DNA and form a tumor. If the tumor is benign, there are no problems; but if it is malignant, then we are dealing with cancer. Cancer can spread throughout the whole body in the form of metastases and can damage organs. Untreated cancer leads to death. Hence the fear of all those diagnosed with cancer and their loved ones.
There are numerous cancer types, including some specific to only women, for example cervical cancer, or to men, such as prostate cancer. But other types of cancer such as colon, stomach, or breast cancer are also prevalent. But not only certain areas of the body are affected; there is also cancer of the blood, leukemia.
Determining the cause of cancer is generally impossible. Often, genetic disposition plays a role. But today, we recognize several risk factors that can help prevent the disease. These include smoking as well as UV radiation and infections such as human papilloma virus. But obesity, unhealthy diet, and excessive alcohol consumption also do their part.
Giving a prognosis is difficult because every cancer is different. Fundamentally, however, it is easier to fight cancer in its early stages than once it has progressed. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to symptoms and to listen to your body; should you be uncertain about any symptoms, please see a physician. Of course, this is easier said than done since symptoms are varied and often not very specific. Fatigue, paleness, tiredness, or poor digestion can also be signs of a harmless virus. However, if, for example, you find a nodule in your breast, please seek immediate medical attention so that therapy can be started early. Cancer can also be detected early if you undergo screening exams at regular intervals.
What does cancer therapy entail?
Several methods are applied to treat cancer: surgeries, targeted medication, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy. There is no longer a general therapy that is recommended for all cases. Every case is evaluated and treated individually since, as we indicated before, every cancer is different. First, the goal of therapy is determined: is it curative or palliative, meaning is the focus on healing or on relieving symptoms as much as possible until death. Palliative care is generally the approach if the cancer has already progressed and metastasized throughout the body. However, patients in palliative care can still live for several years.
A surgical approach aims to remove the tumor so that the source of cancer is no longer present. The goal of radiation therapy is to destroy tumor cells with ion beams. This is a localized therapy, whereas chemotherapy is a form of systemic therapy. Chemotherapy targets rapidly reproducing cells, including cancer cells, but affects the entire body.
Many cancer patients are despaired since treatment often involves severe side effects and intolerances. Hair loss, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, loss of appetite, and digestive problems are unfortunately all too common. Furthermore, medication to treat cancer is so strong that the immune system is severely weakened. Psychological stress also plays an important role. Many patients thus seek natural remedies that may help, and often select chaga.
Chaga is a mushroom with incredibly positive effects that grows on birch trees, especially in regions with colder climates such as Lapland or Siberia. It has immune-boosting, anti-inflammatory, and metabolism-stimulating properties. Additionally, it has strong antioxidative properties and is particular effective with regard to abdominal organs. Thus, it has many properties that can support cancer therapy. In Russia and several other countries, chaga mushroom is already an official medicinal substance and is applied as a complementary method to cancer treatments by physicians.
Reports that chaga reduces the effects of chemotherapy due to its strong detoxifying properties are not true. Several studies have shown that chaga affects cancer cells and kills them. But most of all, it helps strengthen the immune system so that the body is on the right track and tries to fight cancer on its own.
Although chaga may not be able to heal cancer alone, it can reduce the severe side effects of cancer treatment. It helps promote perfusion of mucosa and organs and thereby reduces nausea and digestive issues and helps the body eliminate toxins that remain from the strong medication. Since abdominal organs respond well to chaga, there have been positive experiences with respect to abdominal cancers such as colon and stomach cancer.
Patients should drink 2 to 3 cups of chaga tea per day, preferably in the morning on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before the next meal or 2 hours after a meal to ensure maximum effect of the nutrient-rich mushroom. Just being able to do something for yourself has a very positive on psychological wellbeing and helps patients better tolerate treatment and have greater optimism.
But we would like to reiterate that there is no magic cure for cancer and chaga cannot produce miracles, even if it has been documented to have positive effects on cancer therapy. Because chaga has minimal side effects, it can be consumed without worry, unless you suffer from a birch pollen allergy. In any case, chaga will be beneficial and promote a feeling of wellbeing.