Chaga and Coffee
Chaga has rapidly set the world of superfoods on fire, becoming one of the top choices for those who want a holistic solution to improving their health. Long used as a folk remedy in Alaska and Siberia, chaga carries with it a host of benefits, including improved immune system health, easier digestion, anti-aging benefits through its elimination of free radicals, and more. Not only that, many chaga tea drinkers have begun using it in lieu of coffee.
That said, if you enjoy a morning cup of joe, you don’t have to replace it with chaga. In fact, it’s possible to combine chaga and coffee for a double kick of benefits. Read on to learn more about how chaga and coffee can work together.
Substituting Chaga with Coffee
Unlike coffee, chaga is not a stimulant per se, lacking caffeine and other ingredients that give an immediate energy boost. However, chaga has been shown to gradually boost energy levels over the course of a day in a slow, natural way. Instead of giving you a spike in energy followed by a debilitating crash, chaga helps you retain alertness over the entirety of your day. Because of this, many chaga users have begun using chaga tea as a way to wean themselves off of caffeine.
Chaga carries with it a number of other benefits that make it a viable replacement for coffee. Its polysaccharide content, in addition to giving it its naturalistic energy-boosting qualities, has also been shown to improve mood. Chaga has also been shown to regulate blood sugar levels, similarly to how coffee is touted as a remedy for diabetes. Indeed, some diabetes patients have been able to substitute medication for chaga due to how efficiently it manages their blood sugar.
For those who have been looking to counteract the negative effects of caffeine, chaga can help you ease into a caffeine-free lifestyle. For example, substituting caffeine with chaga can help improve your quality of sleep due to how caffeine affects the Circadian rhythm. Chaga also naturally lowers blood pressure, which makes it a good choice for individuals who suffer from hypertension or are at risk of heart disease in general.
Chaga has been used as a substitute for coffee in the regions of the world where it has traditionally been consumed. For example, during the Cold War, many Soviets could not afford coffee, so they chose to drink chaga tea instead, which was cheap and readily available in Siberia. A side effect of this is that cancer rates in the Soviet Union were unusually low due to chaga’s anti-cancer properties and how frequently Soviet citizens drank chaga tea.
While you don’t have to quit drinking coffee to enjoy your chaga, if you are looking to reduce your dependence on caffeine, chaga can give you many of the benefits that coffee provides without the debilitating side effects.
Making Chaga Coffee
For caffeine fiends who want to combine two great flavors into a single package, it is entirely possible to create chaga coffee. Chaga mushroom coffee allows you to combine the nootropic benefits of caffeine with the calming, antioxidant qualities of chaga. Additionally, chaga can help blunt some of the negative side effects of caffeine, such as jitteriness and crashes. Chaga also helps alertness by reducing oxidative stress in the brain.
The easiest way to make chaga coffee is through combining brewed coffee with chaga powder. Chaga chunks, while usable for brewing chaga tea, must be ground into powder before they can be used to make coffee. To brew chaga coffee, mix one teaspoon of chaga powder into a cup of coffee, then let simmer before enjoying. Depending on the strength of the beans, you may not even notice the taste of chaga in the coffee, making this a good option for those who enjoy chaga but aren’t fond of its earthy taste.
It is also possible to improve your chaga coffee by mixing in other nootropic ingredients, such as MCT oil, lion’s mane, collagen peptides, or reishi. These ingredients will help you create a super-coffee that will pack a serious punch, giving you energy and enhancing your mental functioning for a hard day of work. There are numerous recipes online showing you what you can do when you combine chaga, coffee, and other superfoods. What can you come up with?
Chaga tea and coffee are two drinks that have a long and storied history. Coffee has been ingrained in the cultures of many countries for centuries, while chaga tea has been a part of Alaskan and Siberian culture for generations. The two are similar enough that they can complement one another in a morning routine, but also divergent enough that you can substitute chaga for coffee if you feel that you need to stop using caffeine.
If you are a heavy coffee drinker who wants to take the edge off your caffeine consumption, combining chaga with your cup of joe will go a long way towards aiding your overall health. Conversely, if you need to quit caffeine for whatever reason, chaga tea is a great substitute that will keep your motor running through thick and thin. Regardless of your needs, you’ll find that chaga is precisely what you need to perform at your best every day.