Chaga for Diabetes
If you are interested in the world of superfoods and alternative medicine, you have probably heard of chaga at some point. Harvested from the most remote regions of Alaska and Russia and used as a folk remedy in those territories for ages, chaga has been touted as a means to fight disease, a remedy for cancer, an anti-aging formula, and much more. But one major feature of chaga that often goes ignored is its ability to help diabetics.
Diabetes is a major problem in modern society, with diabetics suffering from blindness, kidney damage, heart attack, stroke, and a number of other ailments. Thanks to the sedentary lifestyle and poor diet of many people, diabetes has become an epidemic. However, chaga’s unique properties give it the ability to help diabetics manage their symptoms more effectively. Read on to discover how chaga can be used to treat diabetes.
Chaga for Diabetes
Diabetes, also known as diabetes mellitus, is a disorder in which an individual experiences abnormally high blood sugar levels. Blood sugar is ordinarily regulated by insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas. Improper regulation of blood sugar can lead to levels becoming too high. Diabetes is grouped into type 1 and type 2 diabetes; the former is caused by the pancreas failing to produce sufficient insulin, while the latter is caused by insulin resistance, a condition in which cells no longer respond properly to insulin.
Type 1 diabetes is largely caused due to genetics and family history, but type 2 diabetes is usually the product of obesity and/or a sedentary lifestyle. Eating a diet overly rich in sugar and other junk calories can lead to the body’s cells developing insulin resistance. Type 2 diabetes also possesses a genetic factor, with some individuals more prone to developing it then others.
Symptoms of diabetes include but are not limited to weight loss, blurry vision, numbness in the extremities, increased hunger and thirst, increased urination, and fatigue. Other common symptoms include itchy skin, slow-healing cuts, headaches, and mood swings. Left untreated, diabetes can lead to amputation of limbs due to cellular death caused by poor blood flow, kidney damage, vision loss, muscle atrophy, brain damage, and a whole host of other effects.
You can reduce your chances of developing diabetes and combat it if you do have it by eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly. However, diabetics typically require injections of insulin on a regular basis in order to keep their blood sugar levels optimal. Insulin is prescribed by a doctor and can be quite expensive, leading some diabetics to seek out alternate means to keep themselves healthy.
One all-natural and inexpensive solution for diabetes is chaga. Chaga’s nutrients act as a natural blood sugar regulator, bringing the blood sugar in the body down to reasonable levels without the use of insulin. Studies have shown that consumption of chaga leads to a 31 percent decrease in blood sugar levels in diabetics, and it also reduces insulin resistance in cells, allowing existing insulin in the body to work more efficiently.
Another benefit chaga has for diabetics is that it reduces cholesterol. Studies conducted over the past few years show that chaga reduces the prevalence of “bad” cholesterol in the blood vessels, allowing for superior blood flow as well as reducing the chance of blockages. This also helps ameliorate heart disease, strokes, and other ailments that are exacerbated by diabetes.
Finally, chaga has been shown to have strong anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is a process used by the human body to control infections, but chronic inflammation is a major contributor to heart disease. Chaga works to reduce inflammation and ease chronic pain and issues that are caused by it.
It is worth pointing out that chaga may have adverse effects when combined with some diabetes medications. While some users have reported that they have been able to reduce or eliminate their dependence on insulin by using chaga, everyone’s body is different and there is little in the way of scientific study on how diabetes medications and chaga interact. As such, you should consult with your doctor before you use chaga to treat diabetes.
In addition to this, overconsumption of chaga can cause complications for some individuals. For example, a 72-year-old woman caused damage to her kidneys by consuming too much chaga on a regular basis. She required hemodialysis in order to compensate for poor renal function and was diagnosed with oxalate nephropathy, a condition that has the potential to cause irreversible kidney damage. Due to their compromised bodies, diabetics are especially prone to suffering from ailments such as these.
Diabetes is a plague on modern society, created by sedentary modern jobs and reinforced by a poor modern diet. As such, avoiding or treating diabetes requires you to maintain an active lifestyle and a healthy diet, going against the grain of what society encourages you to do. Diabetes is a lifelong problem that can be managed but never eliminated, and even if you strive for perfect health, you can still fall prey to its clutches.
However, there are countless ways you can prevent or treat diabetes, and chaga is one of the best. Chaga’s unique suite of nutrients have been proven to act as a natural regulator for the bloodstream, allowing you to keep a handle on your health and live a normal life. If you are suffering from diabetes, chaga is worth your time and money.