Treating Ulcers with Chaga
“With this high level of stress, you will develop a stomach ulcer sooner or later” – we hear warnings such as these only too often, but what does this statement really mean? Is it true that stress triggers ulcers? It is time to explore this topic further.
Gastric ulcers are among the second most frequent diseases of the GI tract. These are deep wounds of the gastric mucosa, extending to the wall of the stomach. They can cause severe upper abdominal pain. Often, inflammation is also involved, creating symptoms similar to gastritis. A gastric ulcer can have various causes. As already indicated above, stress is considered one trigger. Indeed, stress is an enabling factor, but it not the culprit on its own. In the same way, genetic factors increase the likelihood of developing an ulcer. The most common reason is an infection, colonization with the bacteria Helicobacter pylori. In combination with other factors, for example an unhealthy lifestyle, it can lead to a gastric ulcer.
Ulcers frequently occur when too much gastric acid is developed. This can have several causes. When there is too much acid in relation to the amount of mucosa being developed, the stomach wall may be affected. A digestive issue of the GI tract may also be the culprit. It is thus not just gastric acid, but also bile that enters the stomach, that can cause problems. Individuals who are at risk for this condition or have had gastritis or a previous ulcer should try to reduce their level of stress and modify their diet. Food that is spicy or acidic, such as strong coffee and alcohol, should be avoided. Medications such as aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) as well as ibuprofen and diclofenac may also be involved.
Patients with an ulcer experience loss of appetite, weight loss, bloating, and digestive problems ranging from diarrhea or changes in elimination to nausea and severe heartburn. Most often, however, they suffer from severe pain that may even cause sleep disorders and severely impact quality of life.
Gastric ulcers must be treated to avoid severe complications. Gastric bleeds and perforations are life threatening. Abdominal bleeds are often eliminated through stool. So-called tarry stool is attributable to bleeding in the upper GI tract.
Through gastrointestinal perforations, bacteria may enter the abdominal area and there lead to severe infections, especially of the peritoneum. Patients suffering from peritonitis show a high fever and severe pain. If you start vomiting blood from a gastrointestinal bleed, you must seek immediate medical attention. This is an acute emergency.
Generally, gastric ulcers are first treated with antibiotics to fight against a Helicobacter pylori infection or other secondary infection through inflammation. During treatment, patients must adhere to a strict diet. In some cases, surgery is required.
Unfortunately, many patients often feel that the many medications they need to take to treat GI conditions lead to abdominal damage or, at a minimum, abdominal discomfort. For this reason, patients are often looking for natural remedies to reduce their suffering. But which natural remedy can effectively address such an acute disease?
We have the solution: chaga! The chaga mushroom is a nutrient-rich mushroom that grows on birch trees located in regions with colder climates such as Lapland or North America. It has been considered a popular remedy for a long time. Because its effectiveness has been scientifically documented, many physicians use the chaga mushroom in their treatment.
Chaga has many positive effects on our body through its anti-inflammatory, immune-boosting, metabolism-stimulating, and antioxidative properties. The mushroom can actually help heal a gastric ulcer.
A gastric ulcer often involves free radicals, which damage the body and attack gastric cells. The antioxidative and antibacterial effects of the mushroom are responsible for directly working against the bacteria that cause the ulcer. Additionally, chaga helps to build up gastric mucosa and thus ensures good protection. Inflammation is addressed through the anti-inflammatory properties of chaga. GI bacteria is neutralized and reestablished, so that this gateway for bacteria is closed.
The positive effects of chaga on the abdominal organs, including the liver, ensure that digestion is facilitated and that toxins are better eliminated by the liver.
Chaga treatment is in the form of tea. The patient should drink 1 cup of tea twice per day. One cup contains approximately 400 mL tea. It is best if the first cup is consumed right after getting up on an empty stomach, at least 30 minutes prior to the next meal, or 2 hours after food intake. In this way, chaga can release its positive nutrients most effectively. How long treatment should be continued depends on the individual patient’s wellbeing and situation. But already after your first cup, you will feel the soothing qualities provided by the mushroom, and a distinct reduction of pain. Because there are no side effects, there is no limit to the time of treatment, and you can continue the regimen for a longer period without worries.
Of course, the chaga mushroom is not the solution for everything. It is important that you follow certain guidelines. Alcohol, coffee, and highly fatty, acidic or spicy foods should be reduced or eliminated altogether from your diet. Although the positive and effective results of chaga are scientifically documented, we recommend that you start and continue therapy under the supervision of a doctor.
Thanks to chaga, you can finally say goodbye to gastritis and gastric ulcers and also start preventive measures. Take advantage of the anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial qualities of chaga. It has never been easier to recover from a disease.
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