Chaga in veterinary medicine
The mystical chaga that grows on birch trees in extreme northern regions is taking the world by storm. Used in traditional medicine of Alaska and Siberia for generations, it is now accessible to the whole world thanks to the internet. Although it has not been fully researched, several scientific studies and anecdotes point to the positive effects the mushroom has on the human body. But only on the human body? Can chaga also be applied to veterinary medicine?
The answer is yes. Increasingly more veterinarians who have an interest in alternative medicine have also discovered chaga as a treatment method. And there are now the first reports of positive effects on the health of animals. What chaga is and how it can help in veterinary medicine you will learn here.
Chaga is a mushroom that grows as a black, hard bulb on birch trees. It can be found almost throughout the entire northern hemisphere, but only chaga that grows in extremely cold climates is nutrient-rich and thereby ideal for consumption. Especially chaga from Alaska or Siberia or similar cold regions is especially well suited. Additionally, chaga must be harvested in the winter months.
In the spring and summer, tree sap flows though the birch and the chaga thereby loses its nutrients, as opposed to the fall and winter. Chaga provides up to 200 positive ingredients. These include numerous vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Especially worth mentioning is polyphenol, an antioxidant that fights against free radicals, so-called unstable particles that can collide with cells and cause cellular damage. Among other things, this damage may lead to cancer.
Additional substances contained in chaga include beta glucan and triterpene, which have been documented to improve the immune system by having a positive effect on the spleen and liver and thereby on the production and activity of leukocytes. Users of chaga can thus better protect themselves from diseases and colds or, should you currently be affected, recover more quickly. Regulation of the immune system also helps prevent immune dysfunction and thereby fights an excessive inflammatory response.
These are just a few of the active ingredients of chaga, but they are among the most important. Overall, chaga has anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting effects. It has anti-aging and cancer fighting properties. With chaga, you can increase your energy level which helps you concentrate for longer periods of time. Similarly, thanks to adaptogens, you can better fight stress.
Chaga has positive effects on skin and digestive health. In short: chaga is a universal remedy. Its positive effect on the body cannot be compared with that of any other substance. Chaga can be used as an exclusive approach or combined with conventional therapy.
Generally, chaga is consumed in the form of tea. Hereby, pieces of chaga are boiled and brewed into a tea. Boiling is required to break the chitin-containing walls of chaga and to release its nutrients. Chaga is also often used as a tincture or extract. However, creative users have developed many other recipes as well.
But can this tea also work on animals? Yes, it can. Veterinarians knowledgeable in the field of alternative medicine are increasingly using the positive properties of the medicinal mushroom. In veterinary medicine, chaga is frequently used to treat stomach and intestinal problems as well as cardiac, pulmonary, and skin conditions.
Several positive experiences have been reported; for example, a skin wound of a horse was effectively treated and healed with topical application of chaga. The stomach and bowel disease of a dog was improved with chaga. Many animals are mammals, just like human beings, and thus similar if not the same in many functions. But the age of the animal being treated is important.
Treatments with chaga in veterinary medicine can be administered externally (topically) or internally (ingestion). Here too, chaga tea is produced and either mixed with food or applied as a wrap. A tincture can also help in external applications. Depending on the animal, irrigation with chaga is also possible. Chaga certainly has positive applications in veterinary medicine that we should not deny our loyal companions and four-legged friends. Chaga can benefit both human beings and animals, all living things.
The bottom line
Chaga is a true miracle mushroom that is classified as a superfood based on its many nutrients and that has already helped many regain quality of life. Chaga has minimal negative side effects and it can therefore be used without concerns or worry. Those who wish to use its positive properties, ranging from anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting to cancer-fighting, should also not deny their pet this product.
Animals, too, can benefit from chaga. Effective treatment can be topical, or the natural remedy can also be ingested in the form of tea. Take advantage of the positive properties of chaga and let the animal world participate therein as well. What are you waiting for?