Medicinal Uses of Chaga
Chaga has recently become one of the world’s most popular superfoods due to its wide variety of beneficial aspects. A mushroom that grows on birch trees in the northern hemisphere, chaga harvested from the northernmost regions of the world is rich in nutrients, which is why Alaskans and Siberians have used chaga tea as a folk remedy for generations. But is chaga really all that it’s cracked up to be?
The answer is yes. Anecdotal evidence and scientific studies have identified a shockingly large number of medicinal uses for chaga. From warding off disease to reversing aging to combating cancer, chaga tea truly has earned its reputation as a miracle cure. Here are some of the ways that chaga can be used medicinally.
Medicinal Uses of Chaga
One of the first things you need to understand about chaga is how rich in nutrients it is. Chaga mushrooms are packed full of vitamin D, vitamin B complex, potassium, cesium, amino acids, iron, manganese, magnesium, rubidium, copper, selenium, zinc, calcium, and much more. If you have a nutritional deficit, chaga is a great way to get your body functioning at full capacity once again.
Chaga is also famed as an anti-aging remedy. Aging is caused in part by free radicals, which are free-floating particles that collide with cells in your body, resulting in cellular damage, a process known as oxidative stress. Chaga helps eliminate free radicals through its antioxidant content, slowing down cellular damage and helping reverse some of the effects of aging.
Another use for chaga is in lowering cholesterol. Keeping cholesterol levels low is important because too much cholesterol can clog blood vessels, leading to reduced blood flow, heart attacks, and strokes. Chaga’s antioxidant content has been shown to reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL), commonly known as “bad” cholesterol due to its effects on blood flow. This means that consuming chaga can keep your circulatory system running at full efficiency.
More importantly, chaga has also been shown to be effective at fighting cancer. Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s 1966 novel Cancer Ward, based in part on his experiences in a Soviet cancer ward, brought the anti-cancer properties of chaga to the world’s attention. Chaga’s antioxidants have been shown to slow the growth of cancer cells, while its triterpenes actually cause cancer cells to self-destruct without harming healthy cells. As such, chaga can be extremely useful for those who want to prevent or fight cancer. It has also been shown to help mitigate the side effects of chemotherapy.
Chaga can also be used to lower blood pressure. Oxidative stress and free radicals have been cited as a cause of high blood pressure, raising the chances of hypertension, heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular health problems. The antioxidants in chaga work to lower blood pressure through elimination of free radicals.
One of chaga’s most famous uses is as an immune system booster. Indeed, this is in part why it has endured as a folk remedy in remote, northern parts of the world. Chaga aids the production of cytokines, proteins that stimulate white blood cells into action against pathogens. This means that drinking chaga tea can help keep you from getting sick and help you fight off disease faster when you do get sick.
If you’re suffering from inflammation, chaga can help with that. While inflammation can be helpful if you are sick and need to recover, excessive inflammation can result in rheumatoid arthritis as well as depression and other problems with the body and mind. Chaga’s ability to stimulate cytokine production can also lower inflammation by allowing the immune system to better regulate the body’s natural defenses.
Chaga can also be used to lower blood sugar. Diabetics often suffer from irregular blood sugar, resulting in damage to nerves in their extremities as well as other health complications. Chaga helps regulate blood sugar to such a degree that some diabetics have been able to replace their various medications by just drinking chaga tea every day. While there’s no guarantee that chaga will have this strong an effect on you, its ability to regulate blood sugar is well-established.
Finally, chaga can also be used to combat inflammatory bowel disease as well as other digestive ailments. Its antioxidant content has been shown to combat free radicals in the digestive tract that would otherwise lead to ulcers, inflammatory bowel disease, and more.
Chaga has truly earned its reputation as one of the world’s leading superfoods. Used for generations as a remedy for illness, science and study has helped affirm its legendary effects and confirmed countless more. Chaga’s bevy of nutrients and minerals is not just a bonanza for the body, but its antioxidants and other content are proven to fight cancer, protect against disease, and much more.
If you are suffering from cancer, hypertension, diabetes, inflammation, or a host of other medical ailments, chaga can be an important tool in helping you reclaim your health. If you are at risk of suffering from these or other ailments, chaga can help you prevent them and maintain your health. Regardless of your personal condition, chaga can be a major aid in keeping yourself in tip-top shape and ensuring you live a long and fulfilling life.