Treating Fibromyalgia with Chaga
In Germany, up to 13% of the population are impacted by this disease. Women are up to seven times more likely to be affected. The disease generally manifests in middle age. This wide-spread disease is called fibromyalgia. It refers to pain of the muscle fibers and is classified as a rheumatoid disease. As opposed to typical rheumatism, the joints and bones are not directly affected, and there are also no osseous changes, which makes diagnosing the disease difficult. While the pain generally begins in the shoulders and lumbar region, any muscle or joint can be affected.
Patients suffer from pain, sleep disorders, and fatigue. The pain can persist continually in the arms and legs which negatively impacts patients not only physically, but also psychologically. The so-called soft tissue rheumatism manifests itself in episodes of severe muscle weakness and fatigue.
The causes of fibromyalgia are still not clearly understood. And this is precisely why a fibromyalgia diagnosis is not easily determined. While patients indicate symptoms similar to inflammatory pain, no anomalies are detected in lab results, x-rays, or CT scans. A few years ago, patients were told their pain was imaginary. But today, fibromyalgia is a recognized disease and a diagnosis can be made based on medical history and symptoms.
When we take a closer look at the course of the disease, it becomes apparent that symptoms worsen, or a new episode presents, when patients are affected by an infection such as the flu. This would suggest that there is a connection between fibromyalgia and the immune system. A weakened immune system is named as one of the causes of the disease and those affected are more likely to suffer an infection. Adrenal fatigue, headaches, irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive disorders can also develop, as can neurological deficits such as paresthesia of the hands and feet.
Some physicians attributed the disease exclusively to psychological issues, but there is no evidence of this to date. One primary cause is excessive toxins in the body; these can include pesticides, environmental toxins, medications, and hormones. Organs responsible for eliminating toxins from the body, especially the liver, are severely impacted. This leads to a weakened immune system, inflammation, and pain. It is not clear if the toxins are the trigger or make the disease worse.
Because the pain is unbearable and patients have to deal with the psychological stress of the pain and the constant fatigue, fibromyalgia has a severe negative impact on the quality of life of those affected. The condition must be treated. Per academic medicine, fibromyalgia cannot be cured. The goal of therapy is to improve symptoms and to slow progression of the disease. Therapy consists of medication, including analgesics, also opioid pain medication, muscle relaxants, and anti-rheumatics. Cortisone is often used. Antidepressants are prescribed to relieve psychological stress.
But if we suspect that toxins in our body are the trigger for fibromyalgia or, at a minimum, worsen the course of the disease, then we have to ask ourselves if these medications will not result in overwhelming the organs and increasing the toxicity of our bodies. Additionally, drug dependency may develop with some medications. There are several naturopathic approaches that can support treatment. Consequently, good improvement has been achieved with homeopathy. However, everyone concurs with the view of academic medicine that fibromyalgia is incurable.
We have found the potential, far away from medication, to improve the symptoms of the disease, to slow its course, and even achieve a recovery. The chaga mushroom has exactly what the body needs to regenerate itself. Chaga is a nutrient-rich mushroom that grows on birch trees in cold climates. It is used as an official medicinal substance in many countries.
Chaga has anti-inflammatory, immune-boosting, and metabolism-promoting properties. These are the key terms that also play a role in fibromyalgia. Although we still do not completely understand how the immune system is a trigger in fibromyalgia cases, we do know that the disease progresses faster in patients with a weakened immune system. The chaga mushroom strengthens the immune system and prevents attacks on the body’s own cells.
Its antioxidative properties have a positive effect on nerves, which reduces pain. The metabolism-stimulating property has a direct association with abdominal organs, especially the liver. If the liver can work more effectively, then toxins can be better eliminated. Furthermore, intestinal bacteria is built up and digestion is improved. The anti-inflammatory qualities help inhibit inflammation throughout the entire body.
A course of therapy with chaga tea takes some time, but significantly improves quality of life. Patients should drink 400 mL of tea twice per day. The first cup should be consumed in the morning, directly after getting up on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before the first meal. The second cup in the afternoon, 2 hours after lunch and, again, 30 minutes before the next intake of food.
How long therapy with chaga takes depends on the individual patient. However, fibromyalgia sufferers indicate already after a few days that they have distinctly more strength and greater wellbeing. Pain is significantly reduced after a period of time. There are cases of recovery with chaga tea. Because the tea does not have any side effects, it can be complementary to therapy recommended by academic medicine. In general, therapy should be concluded only when the pain is significantly reduced.
The road is long, but worth it. The chaga mushroom can help patients recover from fibromyalgia and regain a high quality of life.
Paul on
I have lots of bear bread in the matsu valley. Is that similar to Chaga? The chinese use it for similar treatments. We bought several bottles of your formula from Fairbanks. When time to harvest or any buyers for this? Thank you.